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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Questing"
Love Is a Stranger Jelaluddin Rumi's poem on questing through the darkness.
The Wisdom of Yoga Stephen Cope on the wisdom and healing power of yoga to alleviate suffering.
There Is No Road Antonio Machado's poem about questing on the spiritual journey.
The Way of the Traveler Joseph Dispenza on traveling as a spiritual practice and inner journey.
Candles in the Dark Todd Outcalt with a parable about a mouse family who discover that true happiness can be found in their own backyard.
Taoist Shaman Peng, a Taoist practitioner, on how his back has stayed free of pain after his encounter with a Taoist Shaman.
Keepers of the Earth Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac on imagining that you are a rock as big as a baseball.
Religion in Exile A homecoming to our nature as a spiritualized species living in a spiritualized universe.
Light from the East A mining of Asian wisdom about enlightenment.